

In line with the mission and objectives of AFA (Cf. AFA statutes Art. 2 a, b & c) AFA Executive Council approved and organized a periodic virtual seminar also known as webinar on Augustinian Spirituality. The mission of this virtual seminar (webinar) is to provide and enhance among members, a deeper knowledge and understanding of the Augustinian spirituality and the thought s and teachings of St Augustine in critical apostolates like Formation, Pastoral and Educational apostolates amongst others. An in person or physical seminar will be considered subsequently beginning from the regional levels. 

On Tuesday 1st August, 2023, the first virtual seminar (webinar) on Augustinian Spirituality was held on the Theme: Exploring the Basic Pillars of Augustinian Spirituality. This episode had Rev. Fr. Jude Ossai, OSA from the Augustinian Province of Nigeria as the Speaker. In his presentation Fr. Ossai observed that Augustinian Spirituality encompasses the unique gifts of the Holy Spirit to the Order of St Augustine through the spiritual patrimony of St Augustine. He identified the Pillars of Augustinian Spirituality as Interiority or search for God, Community life or Communion and Service to the Church or Apostolate. The seminar witnessed a remarkable attendance of members who signed in virtually from across Africa and some parts of Europe and America. The Executive Council extends her grateful regards to the Speaker, Fr. Jude Ossai, organizers and the entire members. 

On Wednesday, 15th November, 2023 the 2nd episode of the webinar on Augustinian Spirituality was held. The focus this time was on Formation with the Theme: Interior Formation: the Pathway to living the Augustinian Communion. Rev Fr Stanislaus Makhokha, OSA from the Augustinian Vicariate of Kenya served as our speaker. In his presentation, Fr Makhokha observed the need for a deeper interior formation, that involves a movement away from a mode of existence that is overly preoccupied with ‘having’ and ‘doing’ to ‘Being’ and ‘turning inward’; a life of inward contemplation that will lead to and enhance the knowledge, belief and acceptance of the self. Like the former, this episode also witnessed a terrific turnout of members who signed in virtually from across Africa and beyound. Many thanks to Fr. Stanislaus Makhokha, OSA and all who contributed to make the webinar a success.

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